Pathways to Water Stewardship in Mining Regions: A Groundbreaking Study in the Gobi Desert

Pathways to Water Stewardship in Mining Regions: A Groundbreaking Study in the Gobi Desert

We are proud to announce that our CEO, Suzette McFaul, has co-authored a pioneering research paper titled "Pathways to Water Stewardship in Mining Regions: Promoting Processes for Integrated Water Resources Management in the Gobi Desert." The paper was published alongside esteemed colleagues Bolormaa Purevjav, Bern Klein, Julian Dierkes, Nadja Kunz, and André Xavier, and offers valuable insights into sustainable water management practices in the Mongolian mining industry.

Piġuqtuq Entrepreneurial Inspiration Project : Chad Nordlum

Piġuqtuq Entrepreneurial Inspiration Project : Chad Nordlum

Starting any entrepreneurial development project means juggling uncertainty, challenges, excitement and a whole lot of moving parts. As most who work in this field will comment, no one can predict how a project will go. One thing is for certain, a project is made and sustained by the people that believe in it. For the Piġuqtuq Entrepreneurial Inspiration Project, one such person who believed, putting that belief into action on the Project Management Team, is Chad.

SEF Canada received the certificate of membership of Catalyst 2030

We're thrilled to announce that SEF Canada has officially joined the Catalyst 2030 community! 🌟

As a certified member, we're now part of a global movement of over 3,280 organizations committed to accelerating progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At SEF Canada, our entrepreneurial development programs have always been designed with sustainability and inclusivity at their core. By joining Catalyst 2030, we're amplifying our impact and collaborating with changemakers worldwide to create innovative solutions for a more prosperous future🤝

Together, we're catalyzing positive change in the communities we serve. Our partnership with Catalyst 2030 will enhance our ability to drive sustainable economic growth, foster innovation, and create opportunities for all.

Join us on this exciting journey as we work towards achieving the SDGs by 2030!🌍 🌱

Volunteer Week 2024

Hastings County Newsletter

As we come up to Volunteer week, we have the honor to showcase just what volunteers can do when they come together.  Same room, same path, big impact!  

Wildly successful is an understatement! Hastings County in Ontario has had one of the most progressive and exciting years to date. 

We're a finalist in the 2023 global good awards - Community Partnership of the Year!

We're a finalist in the 2023 global good awards - Community Partnership of the Year!

We're a finalist in the 2023 global good awards - Community Partnership of the Year!

SEF ran a 3-year program de Desarrollo de Emprendimiento en Cerro de San Pedro after being hired by New Gold to facilitate the community’s independence from mining. Since 2015 we’ve worked with the community on a program to build capacity to work with entrepreneurs, and they continue using our methodology to further robust the local economy. Todos por Cerro de San Pedro Foundation (FTCSP), is a non-profit institution modeled after our structure. The community started with little-to-no businesses within three years 151 new businesses were started. We actively engaged 150+ people and our operations continue to reach 240+ entrepreneurs.

Thanks to this project we were nominated and now we are finalists as “Community Partnership of the Year”



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This day holds significant importance as it calls upon all Canadians to come together in acknowledging and honoring the rich heritage, diverse cultures, and remarkable contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. 

It is a moment to celebrate their unique traditions, wisdom, and resilience that have shaped the fabric of our nation. By recognizing and appreciating the indelible impact of these Indigenous communities, we can foster a deeper understanding, respect, and unity among all Canadians, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.

AME Frank Woodside Gold Pan Award - Board Member

AME Frank Woodside Gold Pan Award - Board Member

Lana Eagle is recognized with the AME Frank Woodside Gold Pan Award for her distinguished service to AMEA natural relationship builder with the ability to strategically connect Indigenous groups with industry, her legacy includes The Gathering Place at AME Roundup, which celebrated its 10th year in January 2022, along with more than a decade of guidance and direction in how the industry approaches Indigenous relations and reconciliation.

Workshop "Exploring ways to revitalize our villages" - Kotzebue, Alaska

Workshop "Exploring ways to revitalize our villages" - Kotzebue, Alaska

January 2023

During the beginning of this January, we were fortunate enough to travel to the beautiful village of Kotzebue in Alaska. Our time there allowed us to connect with numerous incredible individuals.

We would like to express our gratitude to all those who attended our workshop, whether in-person or online. The workshop, titled "Exploring Ways to Revitalize our Villages," was a great success.

Dennis Wilson

Dennis Wilson

Welcome Denis Wilson to our Advisory Board.

SEF is proud to share a conversation with a dedicated member of the SEF team where passion, perseverance and projects paying off are key. Dennis Wilson is a trusted member of SEF’s Advisory Board, a respected part of their approach in projects. Even after years of collaboration his conversation with SEF highlights the thrill that companies and individuals can find when vision, methodology and tenacity align.