SEF Canada Case studies, papers and reports


Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Considerations for AEPC Mining Economies, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Social Entrepreneurship in the Context of Peru by A. Cano, A. Xavier and S. McFaul

Canadian International Resources and Development Institute, The Relationship Between Local Procurement Strategies of Mining Companies and their Regulatory Environments.

SDIMI 2015 CONFERENCE Vancouver - Mitigating Boom and Bust: Creating a Sustainable Economy

Implementation of the Entrepreneurial Development Program for the Development of Sustainable Small Businesses in Mining Affected Communities - Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico: Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico

Mitigating Boom and Bust: Creating a Sustainable Economy

Brazil Mine Closure Conference 2014 - Misima Mine Case: "ED Will Outlast the Resource"

CIM 2014 - Harnessing our Diverse World: "The Trickle Down Effect"

Shechtman International Symposium 2014: "Development of Sustainable Small Businesses in Mining-Affected Communities"

WMC 2013 - Supporting Mining Community Development through ED: "Case Study for Entrepreneurial Development"

IFC 2013 Sustainability Summit: "Elevating Poverty"

6th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry 2013, Greece: "Case Study for ED"

Mitacs: “Application of the Five Capitals Framework to the Mineral Resources Sector of Mongolia to Support Sustainable Development”

Five capitals: Assessing mine closure preparedness using the Five Capitals Framework

Local Procurement and Sustainable Supply Chains: Challenges and solutions in overcoming local procurement strategies for mining in Africa

Local Procurement Strategies of Mining: The Relationship Between Local Procurement Strategies of Mining Companies and their Regulatory Environments

Pathways to Water Stewardship in Mining Regions: Promoting Processes for integrated Water Resources Management in the Gobi Desert



What’s behind these reports is a dedicated project management team, and a very inspired and excited support group that continues to grow and attract others through that enthusiasm for what is happening in this project.
— Susan Joyce, President at On Common Ground Consultants